Summer Newsletter

JULY 2024

Dear parents / carers,

It is wonderful to be ending the year with a mass of thanksgiving at St Gregory’s.  This is a chance to be thankful for all that we have achieved during this busy year.  We should reflect on what has been a tremendously successful year for our school community as evidenced by this newsletter.  Students and staff have worked incredibly hard and should be very proud of all that has been achieved as a school and as individuals this year.

We continue to keep students in year 11 and 13 in our prayers as they travel towards results days and their next steps in their journey.  We look forward to seeing them on results days and celebrating their success and supporting them into their destinations.  I am looking forward to welcoming many year 11 students into our sixth form for next year.

At the end of term we will say goodbye to a number of staff who have made a significant contribution to the life of the school over the years: Mrs Rigby, Mr Mills, Mrs L Smith, Miss F Allen, Mr Bolam, Miss Hibell, Mrs Baig, Mrs Williams, Ms Edwards, Mr Howitt and Miss Holland.  We thank them for all they have given to our community and wish them well in the future.

I would also like to thank all of our staff for their hard work and commitment to the vocation of working within our school.  I am very grateful for their professionalism, dedication and determination.

Over the summer there will be significant work to the school.  The Connect the Classroom initiative has provided  over £250k of upgrade to our ICT and Wi-Fi infrastructure, this will be supported by further investment into our ICT hardware of approximately £100k and the development of a new Learning Resource Centre.   There will also be a large amount of maintenance and upgrades made to the estate.

It has been wonderful to see students thrive at the summer concert, sports day and of course meet the new year 7 students in the last couple of weeks.  I am sure they will enjoy the summer school and we look forward to welcoming them fully into our community in September. We are particularly looking forward to welcoming them in the autumn term.  I wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer break and hope students come back in September ready to “Aspire to be More” be in all they do. 

Mr M Rayner


St Thomas More Celebration Event 2024

On the 27th June - The Feast Day of St Thomas More we gathered together as a community in order to acknowledge, reward and celebrate students' achievements from the past academic year. As part of the event students heard from the Lord Mayor of Stoke-on-Trent Councillor Lyn Sharpe and the new Student President - Melissa Tempest-James. Both speakers emphasised the success of Stoke-on-Trent which was mirrored in the achievements of our students.

Over 200 students were rewarded for their contribution to school life, commitment to academic excellence and participation in extra-curricular activities. We were delighted to see so many parents in attendance and are already looking forward to next year's event.

Catholic Life

Good Shepherd Mass

On Wednesday 8th May 2024, St Thomas More Catholic Academy had the privilege of attending the Good Shepherd Mass at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, alongside Catholic schools across Staffordshire. Mass was celebrated by Canon Paul McNally for the work of Father Hudson's Care.

Year 13

Year 13 celebrated a thanksgiving service to celebrate and reflect on their time at St Thomas More Catholic Academy. The Service was led by staff and students and brought all the students together in prayer for their final day at College.

Ascension Day Mass

On the 9th May 2024, students were invited to attend Ascension Day Mass at St Gregory's Church in Longton. Students represented the school and celebrated Mass with the local parish.

St Thomas More Feast Day Celebrations

Our classrooms recently celebrated the feast day of St. Thomas More. The day was filled with joy and engaging activities that not only honoured St. Thomas More's legacy but also provided an enriching experience for our students.

The celebration included a variety of fun and educational activities designed to immerse the children in the spirit of the day.  Additionally, the students participated in group activities that emphasised teamwork and the values that St. Thomas More stood for. It was a wonderful day of learning and fun, and we are proud of how our students embraced the spirit of the celebration.

St. Teresa of Calcutta Prayer Service

The Saint Teresa prayer service held at our school on the 19th of June was a great success. The students participated with reverence and enthusiasm, reflecting on the life and virtues of Saint Teresa. The service included meaningful prayers, beautiful hymns, and thoughtful reflections, creating a spiritually enriching experience for all.

St . Rose of Lima

The Saint Rose of Lima prayer service held at our school on the 26th of June was truly inspiring for the students. The service provided an opportunity for them to reflect on the virtues and dedication of Saint Rose of Lima. Through prayers, hymns, and reflections, the students were deeply moved and inspired by her example of faith and service.

Religious Studies

Year 9 Trip to the Manchester Jewish Museum

Year 9 were given the chance to see the Holy Ark which is a key feature inside a Synagogue. This is where the Torah scrolls are kept safe when not being used.

Students were able to apply their learning of Shabbat during the interactive workshop where students had the opportunity to bake and plait their own Challah bread.

Students had the opportunity to explore the Synagogue and learn about the important features found in a synagogue. All students explored the museum where they created presentations on the artefacts and stories which they spent time viewing and researching; this also linked in with their History curriculum and learning of the Holocaust.

The staff at the Synagogue were incredibly impressed with the knowledge of Judaism which year 9 were able to confidently recall. The students were a credit to our school and we were so proud of them throughout the trip!

Key Stage 4 - Getting GCSE Ready!

It has been fantastic to see our year 10s getting ‘GCSE ready’ this half term. The hard work and resilience which year 10 have shown has been amazing. Year 10s made excellent use of their study periods during assessment week and started to join the year 11 GCSE Revision club in the lead up to their exams, focusing on reviewing and revising Judaism. Year 10s have been working through a range of past papers, in preparation for their end of year 10 mocks and to prepare for year 11! As a reward, we will be providing all year 10s with packs of revision resources at the upcoming year 10 parents evening, to further support students with their revision. These packs will include an exercise book for revision notes, revision guides and workbooks, revision cards and highlighters.

Year 7 Exploring the New RED

Year 7 have been exploring the importance of Mass in the Catholic Church and the importance of Jesus’ death for our salvation. We have been exploring the meaning of sacrifice, looking at the importance of sacrificing for others, such as charity work and ‘option for the poor’ through exploring the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, as well as exploring what it means to say that Jesus is the ‘Passover Lamb’ and the ‘Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world’.

Students in 7TL enjoyed creating display pieces to reflect their learning in this recent topic!

Y12 A level Philosophy Trip

Mr Aston and Miss Machin took our A level RS students to Manchester Metropolitan University last week. 

Students covered key A level knowledge, explored what it is like to study philosophy at degree level, had a tour of the campus and met staff and current students. 

Thank you to the University for having us and well done to our students for raising to the challenges of lecture and seminar style lesson.

Philosophy Film Club

During the Summer term, the Philosophy Film Club have watched and discussed two of the Harry Potter films: Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

These films have given us the opportunity to reflect on many ethical and philosophical questions.

Students felt that the biggest questions raised would be whether God’s existence would be questioned if witches and wizards did exist, this is because magic would be able to do things that we currently link to God and only God, for example miraculously healing those who are injured.

Year 9 - Sukkot Project

This term, our Year 9 RE students had the opportunity to dive into a unique and creative project: constructing their own sukkots. This activity was not only an educational experience but also a chance for students to engage hands-on with the cultural and historical significance of the Jewish festival of Sukkot.

Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, is a Jewish festival that commemorates the Israelites' 40-year journey through the desert after their exodus from Egypt. During this time, they lived in temporary shelters called sukkots. To honour this tradition, our students were tasked with creating their own versions of these temporary dwellings.

Students were divided into small groups and given a range of materials, including branches, fabric, and other natural items, to construct their sukkots. Each group took a different approach, reflecting their understanding and interpretation of the festival. Some opted for traditional designs, while others added modern twists, showcasing their creativity and teamwork.

Design & Technology

Design Lab Nation

Students from Key Stage 3 are currently taking part in a creative project with Mrs Stace in Technology which is running in partnership with the V&A in London.

So far they have visited the  V&A Museum and spent a day working with Museum staff and Designers in our school. During these two days they have been learning construction techniques using clay, the links to their city and the history of Wedgwood and created Design work.

The project also includes a trip to the Wedgwood Museum in Barlaston where students will create pieces in clay to be exhibited at the Museum.

KMF Project

A new group of young engineers have started work on the latest KMF project for YEOTY. The project this year will include modifying the electric race car to ensure it is aerodynamic and performs well at a race that will take place on the 19th September at Mallory Park.

Students have also enjoyed practicing their driving skills by taking it for a test drive around a track at school, they are trying to get the best lap time to beat all the competition in the race!'


Within the Maths department at St Thomas More this year we have had some great opportunities across all year groups. We have ended the school year with KS3 Data Point 2 Assessments done in exam conditions as well as Year 10 having their mock exams before starting preparations for their GCSE’s. Best wishes to all Year 11s and Year 13s for results day in August!

Summer Term Sparx Super Stars

Whole Year Sparx Super Stars

Year 11 Keele Grade 8-9 Top Ups

Students from Year 11 had the opportunity to visit Keele for the day to take part in a GCSE Higher workshop that focussed on achieving the top grades at GCSE level. Well done to those that took part and we hope this helped you with your GCSE examinations.

Year 6 Transition Day 3rd July

The Maths department had the opportunity to welcome the new Y7 cohort for September by delivering taster sessions for the day. We gave all the students the opportunity to work with scientific calculators and explore the different processes that can be done on these calculators.

They thoroughly enjoyed the day and we can’t wait to have you next year in our lessons!

Year 12 Problem Solving Conference

On Thursday 27th June, seven Year 12 maths students attended a problem-solving conference at Keele University. The event was to introduce and develop higher-level problem-solving skills to the students. They were able to think about the information seen in a mathematical situation, the skills that could be required for that situation and to decide what skills would be most appropriate to solve specific problems.

Students were allowed to discuss and try out problem solving strategies and to think about different ways of looking at example problems. There were a wide variety of problems for them to attempt, all taken from university mathematical admission tests like MAT and TMUA. It was great to see the students enjoying their mathematical problem solving, discussing different approaches and strategies. The students also listened to a talk from a Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Sciences on ‘How Maths helps us to make medicines’, as well as listening to and taking part in a talk from a teacher on mathematical problems in Core Maths. The students were asked to estimate the rise in global sea level if all the Greenland ice sheet melted and completely flowed into the ocean. Incredibly, the answer is approximately seven metres! Just think what that would do to the map of Great Britain. The students enjoyed the day, and particularly the problem-solving aspect, hopefully it will support them in the final year of A level maths. Thankyou to Mr Pate for his support with this.



The Bronze Award students investigated making large and fizzy bath bombs and managed to solve the problem of cracking. They have now received their certificates from the British Science Association.

The Silver Award students are writing up their projects on moisturising soap and solid shampoo. They have been creative - making colourful scented batches, and have even corrected the issue of soap ‘sweating’ in humid weather.

The Gold Award investigation is focused on a healthy diet, and it is really interesting researching the role of nutrients in preventing and curing health issues caused by inflammatory components in food. We have been both confirming and rebuking researched theories through lab experiments involving simulating the gut, and backing up our findings through case studies.

Year 5 Fab in the Lab

Throughout the year, students from Year 5 at our MAC Primary Schools have taken part in fortnightly online science sessions delivered by the Science department at St Thomas More.  During the summer term, the project concludes with a visit to our labs. Students completed a practical investigation to determine the most effective indigestion remedy.

Year 4 Forensics

Students from St. Greg’s visited our labs to take part in a Forensic Science workshop.

Students learned about blood groups and DNA then carries out practical activities including footprint analysis and microscopic analysis.

Year 12 Schools analyst of the year

Our Year 12 Chemistry students took part in a series of challenges this year supporting the Trading Standards Office.

These challenges were based around the chemistry of food. Students analysed sweets to check for banned dyes. This allowed students to apply their chemistry knowledge in a fun and rewarding way.

St Gregory's Student Feedback from the Forensic Science Workshop

Following the Year 4 Forensic Workshops we received some lovely feedback from a student at St Gregory's Catholic Academy, shared by the class teacher.

"I just thought I’d share a piece of homework completed by one of our children following our Forensic Science workshop. We asked them to complete a short recount/review of the afternoon for their homework and we thought it was lovely to hear how much they took away from the workshop."  Class Teacher



Students in Year 7 and Year 8 had the fantastic opportunity of attending a bespoke workshop ran by the writer Stephen Kelman: a multi award winning English novelist, including writer of the year.

The workshop encouraged students to develop their own creative writing skills through the medium of poetry. All students involved wrote their own poem to experiment with their vocabulary choices, structure and rhyme. 

The session was enjoyed by all with students eagerly volunteering to share their work and ideas.

Year 7 Debate and SASCAL

Year 7 have recently taken part in a speaking competition where each class decided on a topic of interest and chose their Chairperson, Key Speaker and Vote of Thanks to represent their class. Topics ranged from serious matters, such as ‘climate change’ to more light-hearted topics, such as ‘Is invisibility a better super power than flying?’ We were blown away by our students’ confidence and fantastic speaking skills. The speakers did a great job delivering their speeches to the year group and the winners announced will be going to the SASCAL finals this year.

Each year, St Thomas More Catholic Academy competes in the SASCAL Youth Speaking Competition and last year we were honoured to be the winners of the competition overall. This year, we have 3 Year 7 students representing our school and we can’t wait to see them perform at Stoke Sixth Form.

Good luck to our SASCAL finalists and well done to Year 7 for taking part in such a great event!

“The debate was really fun and it was interesting hearing about the topics from all the teams as they were all so different.”

“I was nervous to speak in front of the year group at first, but I think I could do it again now. It definitely built my confidence up.”

“I loved the debate challenge and I am really excited to take part in SASCAL this year – STMCA for the win!” -Year 7 students

Year 7 Young Writers

In January, Year 7 were involved in a Young Writer’s Competition. This competition allowed students to create a poem based on a topic of their choice. The idea was to write from a specific perspective and the theme was ‘Through Their Eyes’. The students created some outstanding pieces of work and we are extremely proud of our 10 winners who will have their poems published in the next Young Writers book. This is a wonderful achievement and we are very proud of all students who took part.

To celebrate, the winners will be invited to attend a book launch with their parents/guardians to acknowledge the publication of their work. More information about this is to follow. Well done Year 7 – a great effort!

“I really enjoyed taking part in the Young Writer’s Competition as I could create a poem from a different perspective and I am excited about having my poem published in a book, especially as this will be in the library at school. It feels like a great achievement.” – Year 7 student

“I loved writing from a new perspective – it was really interesting trying to get into the mind of someone else.” – Year 7 student

Literature enthusiasts head to Keele University Masterclasses.

The Languages department had a fantastic opportunity to take a group of Year 10 students to Keele University. These Students had the opportunity to further their love of Literature by exploring new approaches at various lectures throughout the day. These masterclasses were delivered by Keele University professors and therefore allowed the students to get a real taste of Literature studies at University level. Students were able to discover new literature and rediscover some they thought they knew. From Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to Graphic Novels such as Spiderman. A wonderful, inspiring day was had by all. 

Year 8 Competition

Year 8 have recently had the opportunity to take part in a creative writing task with a twist. The competition requires students to create their own island (this can be a fantasy island or even an island that they have visited), write a 300-word description describing their island to a reader and then create a physical 3D island to portray a visual representation of their island. So far, the entries have been fantastic and we are overwhelmed with the amount of effort spent on these imaginative designs.

The winners will be announced in the next few weeks after a showroom event which will showcase the entries and allow staff and peers to vote for their favourite entry.

Good luck, Year 8!

“I really enjoyed taking part in this competition because I haven’t really created a model for a topic since primary school and it was really exciting thinking of all of the materials I could use for each part.” – Year 8 student

“We loved making our island for this competition – it was really different to what we normally do and it was fun to do something more creative. We really hope that we win!” – Year 8 students

Gareth Jones Award for Excellence

During our final half term, Year 9 will have the opportunity to take part in a wonderful competition which serves as a lasting tribute to Gareth Jones. The students will be asked to write in the form of poetry or prose and their theme is ‘Change’. Students could base their writing around time that they faced great changes in life, or it could be an imagined change faced by a fictitious character. They could also be inspired by changes faced by others.

This will be an exciting chance for Year 9 to be creative and imaginative whilst utilising key skills, ready for their transition to KS4.

There will be several prizes up for grabs and celebrations in school for our winners.

Good luck Year 9!

“Gareth Jones … dedicated forty years of his life teaching within local schools and devoted his career to raising standards for students across Stoke-on-Trent. Gareth was proud to teach the students of Stoke-on-Trent, and throughout his career, he ensured that those students were as good as anyone, anywhere.”

Bedrock Achievements

Students need to know 95% of the words in any text in order to understand it. At St Thomas More, we work tirelessly to ensure that our students are exposed to vocabulary rich environments and Bedrock plays an important role in this. Bedrock continues to be an excellent resource which allows our students to develop their literacy skills through vocabulary acquisition. Students in Year 7 and 8 have worked hard in their Bedrock lessons and on completing their Bedrock homework all year. This academic year, 10,000 words have been learnt through Bedrock lessons. Stand out individual achievements include Year 7 students, Lilly-Mai M, Amber S and Zozan S who have consistently exceeded their expected lesson completion rate. Also, Mrs Phoenix’s English class, 8Y3, have consistently been at the top of the leader board for 100% lesson completion. Well done to all Year 7 and 8 students on their success with Bedrock this year.

Bedrock Mapper

This academic year has seen the introduction of Bedrock Mapper for our Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) students. The digital programme is now used for homework across the curriculum, enabling students to improve their knowledge of essential vocabulary.  As a school, we have made huge progress and been identified as one of Bedrock’s top achieving schools nationally. As a collective, our incredible students have read an astounding total of over 3 million words. With a further total of over 10,325 new words learned by students across all subjects. This is testament to the hard work and dedication of our wonderful young people. Next year will see the programme further embedded allowing pupils to continue making exceptional progress.

The following students, from each year group, have been specifically recognised for their individual improvements and achievements.

Year 7

Most Improved                       Top Achievers

1.      Sofia O                         Jack H

2.      Jonzelle V                     Matthew M

Year 8

Most Improved                       Top Achievers

1.      Feranmi E                    Myla A

2.      Anna D                         Huey Mc

Most Improved                       Top Achievers

1.      Thomas T                    Ayomide A

2.      Jordan R                      Evie- Mae M

Year 7 Students Shine in Poetry By Heart 2024 Competition

This year, some of our talented Year 7 students made a remarkable impression in the Poetry By Heart 2024 competition, a prestigious national event that celebrates the art of poetry recitation. The competition, which saw participation from over 47,000 students across the country, challenges students to choose a poem, learn it by heart, and perform it out loud.

The Year 7 participants took on this challenge with enthusiasm and dedication, selecting a diverse range of poems that showcased their personal tastes and interpretative skills. Each student committed to memorising their chosen piece, investing countless hours into perfecting their delivery.

 Their hard work paid off as every one of our students has been commended by a panel of poetry experts, educators, and poets. The judges praised the students for their passionate performances, clarity of speech, and emotional connection to the poems. Such commendation is a testament to the students' commitment and the support they received from their teachers and peers.

Participating in Poetry By Heart has provided our students with more than just the opportunity to showcase their memorisation skills. It has allowed them to explore the rich world of poetry, enhance their public speaking abilities, and build confidence in their performance skills. The competition has also fostered a deeper appreciation for literature and the expressive power of language.

Congratulations to all our Year 7 students for their outstanding achievements in the Poetry By Heart 2024 competition. Your dedication and passion have made our school proud, and we look forward to seeing your continued success in future literary endeavours.

Year 7 Students Excel in Their English Speaking Board Assessments!

Year 7 students have made the English Department immensely proud as they rose to the challenge of preparing and completing their English Speaking Board Assessments. 

There are three parts to the Year 7 ‘Speaking to Connect’ English Speaking Board qualification.

Firstly, students give a personal interest talk, on any topic they are interested in. Amongst this year’s fascinating topics were insects and bacteria, fairy tales and their negative effect, super and hyper cars and Albanian culture. Makson T commented that ‘it has been great to express my feelings about something I’m really passionate, about which is Arsenal Football Club!

Secondly, students learn a poem off-by-heart and then recite it in their assessment. Students chose out of the St. Thomas More Faith, Excellence and Respect Anthology, a collection of beautiful lyrics and poems grouped under the key values of the academy. Some of the most popular choices this year were ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, ‘What a Wonderful World’, ‘The Tyger’ and Psalm 23. Emily Anotony said that for her ‘the best thing was being given really good poems to choose from. I really liked being able to choose what I wanted to recite.’ 

The final part of the assessment is where students read aloud  an extract from a book of their choice. This year, numerous students chose to read from ‘War Horse’ which they are currently studying in English lessons.

Students have enjoyed preparing for the award. Kyla C has found the process a extremely positive one. She said that ‘at first the thought of speaking in front of others made me feel really nervous, so I started to practice with my mum.  That has really helped me.  Now, after practising a lot, my mum has told me that I should be a preacher! That has made me feel really confident and happy’.

Maddison J who is giving her talk on horses said that for her, the best thing about the English Speaking Board preparation and assessment was ‘having the freedom to speak about what I love’.

With such energy and such positive attitudes, our Year 7 students are excellent role models to others of  enthusiasm, passion and practice! Well done Year 7!

Longton Library, opening times:

Monday  10:00am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 5:00pm

Tuesday 9:00am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 5:00pm

Wednesday   9:00am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 5:00pm

Thursday Closed

Friday 9:00am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 5:00pm

Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm alternate weeks

Sunday Closed


Library News 2024

Transition Days

In June we were really excited to welcome year 5 students to the library from our MAC feeder schools. Students had a guided tour and were really excited to see the varied selection of books which they could read in school. All of the students who attended received a copy of The landlady by Roald Dahl and a book mark as a memory of their visit.

Selected students from each group were also rewarded with a book they could take home for their participation in the question and answer sessions.

Well done: Farza, Eva Rose, Subhan, Connie, Fynley, Angelina, Ayaan, Elsie, Jordan, Tyler, Logan, Aimee.

All staff and pupils involved had an amazing time.

 Recommended Reads for the holidays

David Walliams: Astro Chimp:

NASA’s scientists thought Chump would be the PERFECT chimp to send into space. Little did Chump know that he had been selected for a deadly-dangerous mission. If a chimp could orbit Earth, then chances were a human could too.

With Chump the chimp at the controls of a spacecraft, what could possibly go wrong? As it turned out, EVERYTHING.

 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess :

Greg Heffley is caught in the middle as the two halves of his extended family come together in a sidesplittingly relatable summer story!

Finding Alfie: A D-Day Story:

Aunty Iris always treasured her small painting of a boat, painted by her close friend Alfie many years before. Her nephew, Michael, is inspired to try and find out what actually happened to Alfie in World War II. He embarks on a journey that takes him across the Channel into France, learning a profound lesson along the way about service and the surprising power of memory.

Skandar and the Chaos Trials: 

Heroes and unicorns as you've never seen them before. The epic adventure continues...

The Island always wins…

Skandar and his sister Kenna are finally both at the Eyrie, but tensions are high.






Year 7 team were placed in the Cyber Explorers National Competition 

All students showcased an impeccable blend of skill, teamwork, and sheer determination, truly embodying the spirit of a Cyber Explorer. As Herbert the Hacker's challenges unravelled, our team remained steadfast, ensuring the safety of Cyber City and earning the title of this year's Top 50 Cyber Explorers Cup Champions! The team came 34th nationally in this competition! Well done Year 7. 

 National Careers Challenge Day and Grand Final at Doncaster Racecourse Year 7 

All of Year 7 took part in a competition designing machines of the future for JCB and pitching their ideas in a Dragon’s Den style competition in the National Final at Doncaster Racecourse. 

This involved understanding a brief given by JCB executives, creating a product design, involving sustainability, using a variety of media to launch their product and creating an appropriate and effective marketing strategy. 

The winners on the day have been invited to participate in the Grand final presenting their ideas to a team of judges from JCB, NatWest Bank, Air Products and AtkinsRealis. Well done and good luck to our finalists: 






Trips to Trinity College Oxford University 

Students in Year 10 embody our mission to ‘Aspire to be More’ by attending an invitation to Trinity College Oxford. We enjoyed a tour of the oldest college in Oxford, taster classes on Classics and History taught by Oxford Undergraduates, and a masterclass in how to apply. Afterwards we enjoyed lunch in the Buttery, eaten in the great hall. A fabulous inspirational experience for students. 

Reaseheath taster Day 

Some of our year 11 Students attended a taster Day at Reaseheath College. These students were interested to find out about continuing study in agricultural areas. They explored a wide variety of courses, including Animal Science, Conservation, Food Science, Football Coaching, Agriculture, Equine Science and Landscape Architecture. They also discussed living on campus and the considerations needed when working outdoors. 

Careers in the curriculum 

A wide variety of Careers Information, Education and Guidance takes place in lessons, disseminated by subject specialists. Some of the Careers highlights happening across the curriculum include: 

A Sociology postgraduate from Staffordshire university came to discuss career pathways in History to our Year 10 History GCSE students showcasing the wide array of university degree courses available to students gaining high grades in History GCSE and A Level.  

Business continues to provide great opportunities to link Business studies to the world of work, by taking students out to Staffordshire University to engage in a masterclass: ‘Pitch Perfect’ which helped them to develop their skills in the art of pitching a great business idea. The Young Enterprise project encouraging Entrepreneurial talent continues to flourish, developing the skills only a ‘hands on’ approach can, by supporting the students to develop their own business idea and model and manage their own business. 

Careers in Creative Arts had a very exciting year with a trip to Harry Potter world discovering creative careers in film, visits to Staffordshire University Art exhibition and a speaker from Staffordshire University talking to GCSE groups about Careers in Art. 

Sports Careers from coaching to Sports Psychologist were explored at Staffordshire Universities Sports Centre. 

Positively You 

All students across Years 7-11 enjoyed ‘Positively you’ workshops helping them to become more resilient, confident and creative. They developed practical techniques designed to increase information retention and improve exam performance, helping pupils to gain the tools they need to become effective lifelong learners.  

Year 9 were supported through the options process by ‘Positively You’ who were coaching the students on making informed decisions, using Unifrog to research career pathways and influence choices .

Sixth form Careers Masterclasses  

A wide range of masterclasses have been offered this year to support our sixth formers to prepare for their next important steps into University, Apprenticeships and ultimately the World of Work. 

The Program has included: 

Applying for University and the UCAS Process, including searching for opportunities using Unifrog and completing a winning Personal Statement. 

Getting ready for interview and assessment centres and networking with 20 local employers in a ‘speed -interviewing’ session designed to develop confidence and meeting and greeting skills. 

CV writing using the Unifrog tool and advice from an experienced professional recruiting Manager. 

Apprenticeship evening 

Apprenticeship evening in February saw St Thomas More welcome parents, students, employers and apprenticeship providers into school to have an informative evening finding out apprenticeship opportunities. Students were given advice and support on how to search and apply using our Apprenticeship tool on Unifrog.  

Many thanks to Aldi, Stoke Council, NSCG, Stoke on Trent College, Stoke City Football Club, Staffordshire University, Equality Training and KMF who all attended the evening. 

As always if you would like any more information on Careers please start at Unifrog , our school careers platform. Every child has their own Unifrog account linked to their school email, with a button on the landing page.  Also, see the careers section on the school website which has a wealth of information and links to support your Careers exploration. If there is anything else you would like to know, suggest, or feedback about the careers program in school please message the Careers team. 

If you would like to contact the careers team please email

The Launch of Y10 and year 12 Work Experience

The Launch of  Work experience placements for year 10 and 12 students saw our most aspirational students taking the initiative to visit a wide range of employers and undertake work experience in a huge variety of settings: from cattle farms, in which  students helped birth calves, to primary schools and nurseries assisting teachers marking and reading; from health and safety training at Astra Zeneca to planning marketing campaigns in Tesco; from participating in conflict management training at Serco to cutting hair at barbershops and hairdressers; from Personal Training in gyms to watching professional dancers rehearse and creating costumes for the Birmingham Royal Ballet - our students really did have an incredibly enriching experience.

Our reintroduction of work experience reflects the increasing importance of having relevant work experience to enhance CVs, college and university applications. We continue to be committed to ensuring our aspiring students are competitive at the highest level. We can strongly advise all students to take advantage of work experience placement opportunities. Benefits enjoyed by students included: increased confidence, motivation to achieve at school, and the ability to communicate with adults in the World of Work effectively. Staff noted that students returned from work experience with an ‘improved focus’ and a ‘more mature attitude’.

We would like to thank all the employers who hosted a work experience placement this year and hope that our network of employers who support us in our mission to drive our student's achievement continues to grow.

If you know anyone interested in joining this list, by hosting a placement or want to discuss setting up a pilot placement project at your work, please contact our school careers team.


Almadina superstore ltd


Barnardo’s Longton

Belgrave Medical Centre

Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy

Bentilee Nursery School

Birmingham Royal Ballet

Carmountside academy

Christ Church CofE Primary School Academy

Comserv Contracting & Commercial Ltd

Connect Anything LTD

Cookies hair design

Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff


CT Barbers

Diamond Freight

Etruscan primary school

Fenton Kindergarten

Gates D Y & Son LTD

Gladstone primary academy

Karetakers Nursery

Kate's House

Kumeso Empire

Little Robins Pre-School

Longton Community Fire Station

M&M vehicle repairs ltd

mahdis barber shop

MPFT- North Home first


Our Lady Catholic Academy

PCT Coaching


Sandford Hill Primary School

Santander bank

SCDC Dance School


SH maintenance

Spotacre Farms

St Augustine’s Catholic Academy

St Josephs Catholic Primary School Uttoxeter

St Maria Goretti Catholic Academy

St Matthew’s C of E Academy

St Paul's C of E Primary

St Teresa's Primary School

Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service

Staffordshire Fire Doors

Staffordshire Police

Suttons exterior cleaning

The Fenton Kindergarten

Thejus Foods

Tiny Stars Nursery

Total Energies

Tradycja Polish Food Shop LTD

Veritas primary academy

World of Wedgwood


Key Stage 4

Year 10 students have taken part in curriculum drop down days, where they spent the day honing their historical skills around the topic of Weimar and Nazi Germany. All GCSE students benefitted from this time, allowing them to delve deeper into their studies. 

Year 10 also had the wonderful opportunity of visiting Shrewsbury Prison, to complement their Crime + Punishment studies. Students were taken on a guided tour of the decommissioned prison by expert tour guides. It was a fantastic opportunity for students the see the curriculum come alive with references to key figures from the topic such as John Howard and Elizabeth Fry and key changes in punishments such as the abolition of the death penalty.  

Students were also given time to tour the prison independently, whilst carrying out some further research into how prisons have changed over time. The day was finished by ALL year 10 students being locked in to various prison cells as part of an escape room experience. No one managed to escape...However, we did have to bring them all back with us despite request from some parents to leave them there!


Key Stage 3

Year 7, 8 and 9 have continued to develop their skills in History, they have studied a range of topics including the Tudors and the English Reformation, the rise and fall of the British Empire and Britain's path to diversity through the 1950's and 1960's. Students have met the challenges of these topics with enthusiasm and passion for the subject. 


This term has seen our STMCA Geographers continue to flourish. As a department, we have been extremely proud of the way that all years have approached their end of year examinations. Well done to all. We also bid farewell to our year 11 students, wishing them all the best in their future endeavours!

During this term, our Year 10 students have begun to develop an appreciation of their local area; conducting a study, as part of their Paper 3 course requirements, into the effectiveness of Longton Town Centre's Regeneration Projects. The fieldwork day was a success, and we were able to gather extensive data to analyse in the classroom. 

Art and Photography 2023-2024

It’s been another outstanding and creative year in the art department.  We’re delighted to share with you all some examples of the fantastic work that students from all years have made.

Year 7 explored the visual elements of art, line, tone, shape, colour, texture, pattern, form combined with cultural masks in the first term.  They chose a culture to be inspired by and designed their own masks. Once this was completed, they then learnt about each individual visual element and carefully filled sections of the masks with experiments.

They then went on to develop tonal drawing skills through creating tonal observational drawings of shoes. Students are taught to identify and be able to use different types of drawing pencils and transfer this knowledge and skill to create realistic studies of shoes.  All students made good progress with this activity.

Year 8

Year 8 have been extremely creative studying gothic architecture and designing and making clay gargoyles.  We always use clay with our students.  We are lucky enough to have a working kiln in school and both myself and Mrs Crawford are ceramics trained.  We feel that as residents of Stoke-on-Trent, it is vital for students to learn about the vast wealth of culture and heritage we have here.  Students are taught about the pottery industry and how the ‘Potteries’ came to be such an important part of global history.  I’m sure you’ll agree that the sculptures are very expressive creatures! Students thoroughly enjoyed this imaginative project.

The next project focussed on using mixed media flat work processes and the theme of sea life.  Students studied the work of mixed media artists and sea life inspired artist Yellana James.  They then created a response to the project brief.  They learnt how to develop op skills with layering, paint, pen, pencil crayon and collage materials.

Year 8 are currently studying portraits and have created a variety of facial feature studies using both watercolour paint techniques and drawing pencils.

Year 9 started the year with card construction sculptures inspired by architecture and the work of Ian Murphy, Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Antoni Gaudi. They created inventive three dimensional designs first which then were transferred into three dimensional sculptures.

Next Year 9 ventured into the world of creepy crawlies.  They studied the work of various artists and designers on their journey to create a variety of mixed media studies showcasing their skills and control with materials. Attention to detail here was really important and students were able to really see how insects are created. They each created sgraffito paper with oil pastels and black paint and used cocktail sticks to scratch back into the surface, ink blots, pencil tone and biro.

Key Stage 4 Photography

KS4 Photography students have been learning how to use Digital SLR cameras and the studio lighting and backdrop equipment.  They have also experimented with cyanotype processes. The project that has just been completed is inspired by the theme of distortion, explored this project through distortion with ice, oil, water and glass objects, refraction, lens ball refraction, editing using phone apps like Snapseed, Affinity Photo and Powerpoint editing tools. The artists that have most inspired the work are Mandy Disher, Bruce Boyd and Suzanne Saroff.

GCSE Fine Art

GCSE Yr 10 Fine Art students are currently creating work inspired by their chosen theme.  They are using a variety of materials and processes with skill and control to create their work.

Sports Day 2024

On Wednesday 17th July the entire school came together to celebrate sports day.

Students participated in a range of activities including cricket, rounders, athletics and a form quiz. Even the staff had the opportunity to compete in the tug of war and traditional sack races.

The day was a huge success, with the sun shining, students encouraging and supporting their classes and a well deserved day of celebration.

A huge well done to all the individual and team winners on the day, and thank you to the PE department for organising such a wonderful day.

Faculty of Performance

Key Stage 3 Cricket Teams

Well done to our Y7, 8 and 9 Cricket teams who have participated in the city schools' cricket festival.

The festival was held at Moddershall cricket club and the students played in a group league against other schools in a shorter form of the game.

Year 7 Cricket Team Success

A huge well done to our Y7 STM cricket team on Friday in the city schools cricket festival held at Moddershall cricket club. Each team played 3 games in their group of 4 teams and won all 3 games finishing top of the group.

Year 8 & 10 Tennis Teams

The Y8 and Y10 STM tennis teams have been in league action this summer in the LTA Staffordshire schools tennis leagues.

This has been a great opportunity for our students to develop their skills in a competitive environment playing singles and doubles matches.

Year 7 & 8 Athletics

The Y7 and Y8 STM students have been involved in the city schools super 8 athletics competitions held at Northwood stadium this Summer. The students are selected for squads based performances in core PE lessons and are then rewarded with the opportunity to represent the Academy.

The Y7 squad finished in 6th place out of 15 schools.

The Y8 squad finished in 7th place out of 15 schools.

Under 15 Football

Congratulations to the U15 STM football team finishing runners up in the city cup. The team had remained unbeaten throughout the academic year and sadly conceded 2 minutes from the end of the final to narrowly lose the game 1-0.

Gold Standard

Huge congratulations to the STM Performance faculty staff and students for retaining the gold standard school games mark for this academic year.

RESTOKE Theatre Company

The RESTOKE theatre company provided a fantastic workshop to some of our y9 and y10 students giving them an insight into the ‘The Power Project’ which is going to be an epic new show being performed in Spring 2025.

There will be an additional summer workshop on offer for the students during the school holidays.

Celebrating Our Students' Success in "My Digital Futures" Challenge

We are thrilled to share the remarkable achievement of six of our talented students who participated in the final of the "My Digital Futures" challenge, organised by the Inspirational Learning Group. This prestigious competition tasked students with presenting their vision to a panel on why an anchor employer, chosen by them, should help Stoke-On-Trent become a leading digital hub of the future.

Our students not only rose to the challenge but excelled at every stage of the competition. They began by winning first place within our school bracket, showcasing their creativity, innovation, and deep understanding of digital technologies. Subsequently, they advanced to the final round where they competed against top talent from approximately 500 schools across Stoke-on-Trent.

The final showdown took place at the esteemed Catalyst building, located at Staffordshire University, where our students' hard work and dedication truly shone. They presented a compelling case to the judges, demonstrating their vision through a dynamic digital billboard and an impactful advert, both crafted with ingenuity and flair.

Their efforts did not go unnoticed, as they secured a commendable position in the top 7 finalists of the entire competition, a testament to their outstanding abilities and the support they received from our school community.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the following students for their phenomenal achievement:

  • Sheza
  • Aisha
  • Viktor
  • Adam
  • Kyle
  • Nafisa

Their success underscores the calibre of talent and dedication present at St. Thomas More Catholic Academy. We are immensely proud of their accomplishment and look forward to their continued success as they continue to innovate and inspire others in their academic journey.

Well done to our students and a special thank you to their teachers and mentors who guided and supported them throughout this enriching experience.

Young Enterprise

Our school takes immense pride in nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit of our students, and this year's Young Enterprise Programme has once again highlighted their talent and determination. A dynamic team of students participated in the programme, presenting a unique and eco-friendly product: a stylish cup with a printed recipe card for hot drinks and soups inside the cup. This innovative idea not only impressed the judges but also earned the team the prestigious Resilience Award for overcoming numerous challenges along the way.

The students' product is a testament to their creativity and commitment to sustainability. Each cup is designed with eco-friendly materials, featuring vibrant themes that promote environmental awareness. Inside the cup, users can find printed recipe card for a variety of hot drinks and soups, making it a practical and appealing choice for those seeking convenience and healthy options. The recipes range from soothing herbal teas and rich hot chocolates to nourishing soups, catering to diverse tastes and preferences.

The journey to success was far from easy. The team faced multiple hurdles, from losing their team leader to, sourcing a cup that was made of sustainable materials that was safe for hot liquids. One of their primary challenges was to find a printing technique that would keep the recipes card robust and intact. Additionally, balancing their academic commitments with the demands of the project required exceptional time management and dedication.

The team's hard work and perseverance culminated in winning the Resilience Award at the Young Enterprise competition. This accolade is given to teams that exhibit exceptional tenacity and a positive attitude in the face of adversity. The judges were particularly impressed by our students' unwavering determination and their creative approach to problem-solving.

Winning the Resilience Award is a powerful acknowledgment of the team's grit and commitment. It underscores the importance of resilience in achieving success, providing an invaluable lesson for the entire student body. Their journey exemplifies that with hard work, creativity, and perseverance, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome.

We are incredibly proud of our students for their outstanding achievements. Their innovative spirit, combined with their resilience, has not only earned them a prestigious award but also set a shining example for their peers. As they continue to develop their entrepreneurial skills, we eagerly anticipate more ground-breaking ideas from them in the future.

Music Department

The STMCA music department have had a busy term, with lots of performances and exciting trips for our students to get involved with! On the 10th of May, a group of our talented piano players attended a fantastic masterclass with professional pianist Martin James Bartlett, where they learned lots about the life and career of a professional musician. 

The choir has continued to support many events across the school, including House Mass and Prayer Services, and the recent Y5 taster days. Finally, we finished the musical year in style with our annual Summer Concert on 9th July. Over 40 students performed or had their music showcased at this event, a fitting finale to an excellent year of music-making.

Duke of Edinburgh

9 students attended a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition locally in Gradbach, Peak District and surrounding area from 9th - 10th July 2024 . All students showed true determination, confidence and resilience to not only complete each day's walk but also, the activities in the evening as well as cook their own meals. This was to ensure they completed the 20 conditions such as 6 hours of activity each day, being self-sufficient for the expedition and following the countryside code. Very proud of the students who persevered throughout the first day in adverse weather conditions! This resilience and determination continued into the drier second day. The students enjoyed learning more about their aim through the two days which was wildlife and landscape. The two groups presented to each other what they had learned before returning to school on 10th July. 

There are further opportunities for students who are Year 9 and above from September 2024 onwards to complete their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award at STMCA during the next academic year. Duke of Edinburgh Award is a prestigious Award much desired by colleges, universities, and employers, designed to allow students to try something completely new, help your community, test your limits, enhance your skills, and grow your confidence. If your child is interested in enrolling for this fantastic opportunity, please speak with Mrs Barker, the deadline if Friday 13th September to apply.

Year 10 & 11 ASDAN

The Year 10 and 11 ASDAN groups have been working hard during the last few months on starting to tidy up Sam's Garden, this has been an ASDAN task for the last few years, as it part of the 'working with others' module its gives the students some ownership of the outdoor space in our school garden.   We have a small area of the garden which we also look after and maintain 'the heart' which the groups weed and plant with seeds to attract butterflies and bees into the garden. 

Both ASDAN groups have worked on the heart, but they have also cleared the paths that were covered in moss and weeds that had built up over the winter, they are now looking clearer, the groups have picked up any litter as well as general work in the garden.     Those who know the garden well will see improvement - but the groups know the have still work to do and weather permitting the y10s will carry on this task until the summer holidays.    They are proud of what the have achieved so far. 

Key Dates

15/08/2024 - A-Level Results Day

22/08/2024 - GCSE Results Day

02/09/2024 - Staff INSET Day

03/09/2024 - Staff INSET Day

04/09/2024 - All Students Return

04/09/2024 - Sixth Form Enrolment

17/09/2024 - ASCC Year 6 Students' Retreat at STM

18/09/2024 - ASCC Year 6 Students' Retreat at STM

19/09/2024 - Prospective Parents' Open Evening

To book your place on the Prospective Parents Open Evening please visit St Thomas More Catholic Academy Prospective Parents Open Evening Tickets, Thu 19 Sep 2024 at 17:00 | Eventbrite

For more information on upcoming events at St Thomas More Catholic Academy, please visit